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튀르키예는 지금

번호 제목 날짜
91 거주 허가 변경 사항 중요한 보안 안내 2024.09.13
90 [ITN] Changes to Residency Permits 2024.09.13
89 Nato must wake up to Russia’s nuclear power deal with Turkey 2024.09.06
88 Bursa church ordered to evacuate 2024.08.30
87 [ITN Video] 일어나라 빛을 발하라 2024.08.02
86 튀르키예 헌법재판소, 9명의 외국인 기독교 지도자 추방 지지 2024.06.28
85 [튀르키예 인플레이션] 경제적 어려움에 처한 사역자들을 위한 기도 2024.06.28
84 Turkey’s Constitutional Court Supports Government’s Expulsion of 9 Foreign Christians 2024.06.26
83 Turkey’s inflation crisis rages a year into economic turnaround 2024.06.14
82 Erdoğan’s visit to Iraq... no agreement without neutralising the PKK 2024.05.10
81 경제난에 심판받은 ‘21세기 술탄’… 튀르키예 지방선거 與 참패 2024.04.04
80 Turkey’s opposition wins big cities in blow to Recep Tayyip Erdoğan 2024.04.04
79 New Video: Arise, Shine 2024.03.29
78 One Year Since Devastating Earthquakes 2024.02.09
77 Gunmen kill one person during Sunday service at Istanbul church 2024.02.02
76 무장 괴한 이스탄불 교회 공격: 주일 예배 중 총격으로 1명 사망, 47명 용의자 체포 2024.02.02
75 Prayer for Christmas Outreaches and Jesus Film Broadcasts 2023.12.20
74 Republic of Turkey’s 100th Anniversary 2023.11.03
73 Church in biblical Antioch, where term ‘Christian’ was first used, prepares to rebuild after earthquake 2023.09.27
72 Turkey’s inflation rate jumps to almost 50% 2023.09.01